Visser Leeuwarden Mobile Commando Unit

Visser Leeuwarden Mobile Commando Unit

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The Visser Leeuwarden Mobile Commando Unit is a specialized piece of equipment designed to support fire service executives during major incidents. Its primary function is to serve as a consultation room where strategic discussions and information sharing take place. Ideal for large-scale and prolonged incidents such as wildfires, this unit provides a centralized location for gathering and disseminating critical information efficiently. Equipped with a Europower 6 kVA generator set, the unit ensures reliable power supply. For environmental monitoring, it includes a Davis Vantage VUE weather station. Communication is facilitated through satellite access via the Oyster mobile internet system, ensuring connectivity even in remote areas. Comfort features include a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioning unit and an Eberspächer diesel heater, providing a controlled environment regardless of external conditions. This used Mobile Commando Unit offers substantial utility for coordinating emergency response efforts, making it an invaluable asset for managing challenging and dynamic incident environments.


ManufacturerVisser Leeuwarden
ModelMobile Commando Unit
Stock Number5980506
Generator SetEuropower 6 kVA
Weather StationDavis Vantage VUE
Communicationmobile internet by satellite Oyster
AirconditioningMitsubishi Heavy Industries
HeaterEberspächer Diesel heater

Shipping details

Length500 cm